Saturday, January 8, 2011

temporary + architecture + blog = ?

Main Entry:pro tempore
Part of Speech:adjective, adverb
Definition:for the time being

What is temporary architecture?
A tent?

An emergency shelter?

A giant inflatable bubble?

Perhaps temporary architecture is an awning, a lean-to, a yurt, an umbrella, an elaborate technological showpiece for the World Expo, an Airstream trailer, or a houseboat? Could it be a gallery exhibition, an exterior installation, a covering, a container, a support, or simply a provocation?

How do temporary + architecture meet, when traditional notions of architecture imply permanence and the term temporary is a common descriptive for installation art, the two divided into their respective corners of a vast arena? What is the potential for temporary architecture as a provocation for change?

Me: A freshly birthed blogger with a tenuous toe in the expansive sea of bloggers.
My intention: to seek answers to a few of these questions and pose many, many more.

With a natural inclination to paint, draw, make, dream, and build shelters in the woods, I'm also a grad student on the [glorious] [terrifying] precipice of my graduate thesis in architecture. These pages are meant to serve as a tool- to define, map, inspire, catalog, invite, realize, and nudge -my graduate thesis into a living, breathing body of insightful design inquiries and solutions: a body of work that reflects my values as a designer and a human being. But it's not that serious, really.

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